What is Bhava Spandana?

What is Bhava Spandana?

Bhava Spandana is a dimension of experience where you resonate with the rest of the cosmos in such a way that one's self-realization is indefinite.

This advanced meditation program is designed by Sadhguru to provide the opportunity to go beyond the limitations of body and mind and experience higher levels of consciousness.

Bhava Spandana offers the experience of a world of unbounded love and joy.

The word Bhava literally means “sensation.” 

Spandana can be loosely translated as “resonance.”

Through powerful processes and meditations, the Bhava Spandana Program creates an intensely energetic situation, where individuality and the limitations of the five sense organs can be transcended, creating an experience of oneness and resonance with the rest of existence.

“You have lived within the limitations of human senses. Bhava Spandana is like giving you a lift so you can have a peep at life beyond the limitations of your five sense perceptions.”

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