Haiku 08-15


Dear Ones, this Haiku is a beautiful expression of the path towards self-realization. As a spiritual teacher and practitioner of yoga, I can tell you that turning inward is the first step towards experiencing the divine presence within.

To turn inward is to become introspective, to focus your attention on your inner self rather than the external world. This means withdrawing your senses from the world around you and redirecting your awareness towards your own consciousness. When you do this, you begin to realize that your true essence is not the body or the mind, but rather the divine consciousness that permeates all of existence.

As you turn inward, you can then ride on the freeways through the mind. The mind is a powerful tool, but it can also be a source of distraction and illusion. By exploring the depths of your consciousness, you can learn to navigate the complexities of the mind and access the deeper truths that lie within.

And as you ride on the freeways through the mind, you begin to see that there is something beyond the mind. This is the state of pure consciousness, where the individual self merges with the universal self. This is the state of oneness with the divine, where you experience the infinite bliss and joy that is your birthright.

To drive beyond the mind is to transcend the limitations of the ego and merge with the divine consciousness that underlies all of creation. This is the ultimate goal of the spiritual path, and it is attainable by anyone who is willing to turn inward and ride on the freeways through the mind.

So my dear ones, I encourage you to turn inward, to explore the depths of your consciousness, and to drive beyond the mind. May you experience the infinite bliss and joy that comes with realizing your true nature as an expression of the divine consciousness.


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