
You have stumbled upon a website in its infancy.

Regarding the name, Kouroo

The name was inspired by Henry David Thoreau in his conclusion chapter for “Walden”

“There was an artist in the city of Kouroo what was disposed to strive after perfection”

Regarding Osmotic

This website was created using the Osmotic Skin by  Dave Wilkinson.  It is a limited release skin based on the very popular Thesis Theme by Chris Pearson.

When this website grows up, it will feature artwork by artists who walk the same path as the man from Kouroo,  those who are disposed to strive after perfection.

About the Statue

A Perfect BalanceThe statue on the home page is by long time friend, Bruce Campbell.  Bruce is a true artist craftsman who has built fine furniture for over 25 years. In his spare time, he paints and makes wonderful statues.

You can visit his website  at www.BruceCampbellDesigns.com

The Statue is for Sale.

For more information, get in touch with Bruce directly.

What I Do

I  create professional websites that are easy to navigate, search engine friendly and most importantly very pleasing to the eye.

I bring  to the table 30+ years of computer experience as a professional consultant and software engineer with a penchant for good design. For the past 9 years I have  built and maintained websites for small business and individuals.

Here are some more examples of my work click here
